
In the following workflow, we describe the main procedures to analyse the gene expression profile of associated genes to superenghancers (SE) genomic regions.


Auxiliary functions

Obtaining only distinct peaks from a given Genomic Ranges Object

distinctGR <- function(objectGR) {
  adj_hgsonc_union = objectGR
  index = 1
  final = length(adj_hgsonc_union)
  distinct_table = NULL
  while (index <= final) {
    res =[index], adj_hgsonc_union))
    n = dim(res)[1]
    if (n > 1) {
      adj_hgsonc_union = adj_hgsonc_union[-res$subjectHits[2:n]]
    distinct_table = rbind(distinct_table,[res$subjectHits[1]]))
    index = index + 1
    final = length(adj_hgsonc_union)

Obtaining only distinct peaks by comparing two Genomic Ranges objects

distinctGRPairs <- function(query, subject) {
  index = 1
  final = length(query)
  distinct_table = NULL
  while (index <= final) {
    res =[index], subject))
    n = dim(res)[1]
    if (n < 1) {
      distinct_table = rbind(distinct_table,[index]))
    index = index + 1

Part 1

Data loading

The data is organized in a data frame with 387 samples (190 normals and 197 TCGA) as columns and 20928 unique exprerssed genes as rows, named as combat_alln_mean. Sample annotation is organized in another data frame NormalSamplesTable. The TCGA Sample annotation is also added in Normals sample table annotation as follow.

176-p6 179-Lp6 181-Lp7 185-p5 189-Lp6 191-Lp5 192-Rp4 197-Lp6 1mR-p4 200-p6
WASH7P 4.466708 3.854710 -1.635562 -1.635562 -1.635562 -1.635562 -1.635562 -1.635562 -1.635562 -1.635562
OR4F5 -5.317438 -5.317438 -5.317438 -5.317438 -5.317438 -5.317438 -5.317438 -5.317438 -5.317438 -5.317438
OR4F29 -5.276078 -5.276078 -5.276078 -5.276078 -5.276078 -5.276078 -5.276078 -5.276078 -5.276078 -5.276078
OR4F16 -5.308478 -5.308478 -5.308478 -5.308478 -5.308478 -5.308478 -5.308478 -5.308478 -5.308478 -5.308478
LINC00115 -3.934121 3.119557 1.581284 -3.934121 -3.934121 4.701893 2.901779 2.330278 2.346626 1.414174
##   Samples CellType  Colors SP Batch
## 1  176_p6     NOSE #377EB8 NO    B1
## 2 179_Lp6     NOSE #377EB8 NO    B1
## 3 181_Lp7     NOSE #377EB8 NO    B1
## 4  185_p5     NOSE #377EB8 NO    B1
## 5 189_Lp6     NOSE #377EB8 NO    B1
## 6 191_Lp5     NOSE #377EB8 NO    B1
nTCGAsamples = 394

TCGAsamplesTable = data.frame(Samples = colnames(dados.RNAseq)[191:584], CellType = c(rep("HGSOC", nTCGAsamples)), Colors=c(rep("green", nTCGAsamples)), SP="None", Batch="None" )

SamplesTable = rbind(NormalSamplesTable, TCGAsamplesTable)

Gene genomic annotation

We selected the genomic annotation, regarding chromosome name, start, end coordinates for human hg19 build. After the annation is merged with our expressed genes.

dados.RNAseq <-

txdb_hg19 <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
genes <- genes(txdb_hg19)
symbols <- unlist(mapIds(, genes$gene_id, "SYMBOL", "ENTREZID", multiVals = "first"))
## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
genes <-
genes$symbol <- as.matrix(symbols)
genes <- genes[!(duplicated(genes$symbol)),]

dados.RNAseq <- merge(genes,dados.RNAseq, by.x="symbol",by.y="row.names")

Convert gene annotation into a Genomic Ranges object dados.RNAseq.GR. The merged data.frame also is splited into annotation dados.RNAseq.DF and expression information dados.RNAseq.f. After, the expression values are scaled as follows.

dados.RNAseq.GR <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(dados.RNAseq[,1:7],TRUE)
dados.RNAseq.DF <- dados.RNAseq[,1:7]
dados.RNAseq.f <- dados.RNAseq[,c(8:591)]

dados.RNAseq.scaled <- t(scale(t(dados.RNAseq.f)))
rownames(dados.RNAseq.scaled) <- dados.RNAseq.DF$symbol

Superenhancer experiments

In this step we will processing the superenhancer bed files. First, the data is loaded and converted to Genomic Ranges Object. The experiments are combined in a single object. Then, using the aulixiliary function distinctGR, we selected only those regions that are unique considering the entire combined set. The same procedures are applied to OSEC, FTSEC and HGSOC superenhancers.

########### OSEC #################
ose4 = read.table("se/IOSE4_ResultCount_C30H4ACXX_1_SHE1405A185.male.hg19.fa.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(ose4) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
ose4 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ose4)

ose11 = read.table("se/IOSE11_ResultCount_D1AHBACXX_8_SHE1405A43.male.hg19.fa.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(ose11) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
ose11 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ose11)

ose4.df <-
ose11.df <-

nose_total <- rbind(ose4.df, ose11.df)
nose_total <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(nose_total)

distinct_table = distinctGR(nose_total)
nose_union = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(distinct_table)

########### FTSEC #################

ft33 = read.table("se/FT33_ResultCount_C26CUACXX_2_SHE1405A78.male.hg19.fa.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(ft33) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
ft33 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ft33)

ft246 = read.table("se/FT246_ResultCount_C269LACXX_5_SHE1405A86.male.hg19.fa.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(ft246)  = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
ft246 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ft246)

ft33.df <-
ft246.df <-

nfte_total = rbind(ft33.df, ft246.df)
nfte_total = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(nfte_total)

distinct_table = distinctGR(nfte_total)
nfte_union = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(distinct_table)

########### HGSOC #################

hgs229 = read.table("se/HGSerous_229_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs229) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs229 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs229)

hgs429 = read.table("se/HGSerous_429_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs429) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs429 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs429)

hgs561 = read.table("se/HGSerous_561_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs561) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs561 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs561)

hgs550 = read.table("se/HG_Serous_550_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs550) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs550 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs550)

hgs270 = read.table("se/HGSerous_270_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs270) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs270 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs270)

hgs229.df <-
hgs429.df <-
hgs561.df <-
hgs550.df <-
hgs270.df <-

hgsoc_total <- rbind(hgs229.df, hgs429.df, hgs561.df, hgs550.df, hgs270.df)
hgsoc_total = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgsoc_total)

distinct_table = distinctGR(hgsoc_total)
hgsoc_union = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(distinct_table)

In this step the SE are cross compared in order to obtain only distict ones per cell type. The auxiliary function distinctGRPairs is used.

subj = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rbind(,
tempN = distinctGRPairs(nose_union, subj)
nose_distinct = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tempN)

subj = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rbind(,
tempF = distinctGRPairs(nfte_union, subj)
nfte_distinct = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tempF)

subj = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rbind(,
tempR = distinctGRPairs(hgsoc_union, subj)
hgsoc_distinct = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tempR)

Preparing the parameters

Identify expression profile considering all samples into 3 groups: OSEC - 119 samples FTSEC - 71 samples HGSOC - 394 samples

We also defined a step size of 5000 bp and a window size of 1000000 bp.

OSECLines <- which(SamplesTable$CellType == "NOSE")
FTSECLines <- which(SamplesTable$CellType == "NFTE")
HGSOCLines <- which(SamplesTable$CellType == "HGSOC")

step = 5000
window = 1000000
range.neigh = seq(-window, window, step)

Part 2

Obtaining the gene expression profile across the 3 cell types considering OSEC specific enhancers.

enhancer = nose_distinct
enh_name = "OSEC_enh_"
names <- paste0("OSEC_enh_", seq(1, length(enhancer)))

Part 3

Now we can begin to find the genes and their correspondent expression in all 3 cell types with the following iteraction loop.


e.index = 1
genes.range.all = NULL

while (e.index <= length(enhancer)) {
  #print(paste0("Enhancer ", e.index)) = enhancer[e.index]
  mid.pos = round(start( + ((end( - start( / 2))
  s.pos = mid.pos - window
  e.pos = mid.pos + window
  chr.pos = as.character(seqnames(
  new.genes.range = seq(s.pos, e.pos, step)
  new.enh.range.GR = GRanges(seqnames=chr.pos, ranges=IRanges(s.pos, e.pos))
  res = findOverlaps(new.enh.range.GR, dados.RNAseq.GR, type = "any", select = "all", ignore.strand=TRUE)
  if (length(res) > 0) {
    genes.range = dados.RNAseq.DF[subjectHits(res),]
    OSEC.mean =  apply(dados.RNAseq.f[subjectHits(res),OSECLines],1,mean,na.rm=T)
    FTSEC.mean =  apply(dados.RNAseq.f[subjectHits(res),FTSECLines],1,mean,na.rm=T)
    HGSOC.mean =  apply(dados.RNAseq.f[subjectHits(res),HGSOCLines],1,mean,na.rm=T)
    genes.range = cbind(Enh = paste0(enh_name, e.index), genes.range, Mean.OSEC=OSEC.mean, Mean.FTSEC=FTSEC.mean, Mean.HGSOC=HGSOC.mean)
    for (gi in 1:nrow(genes.range)) {
      gene = genes.range[gi,]
      index = 1
      for (value in new.genes.range) {
        if (value > gene$start) {
        index = index + 1
      genes.range$pos[gi] = range.neigh[index]
    } # end for
    genes.range.all = rbind(genes.range.all, genes.range)
  e.index = e.index + 1 


Part 4

Calculate the z-score for each cell type gene list.

info.plot.nose = data.frame(Position = range.neigh, Type = "OSEC", Value=NA)
info.plot.ftsec = data.frame(Position = range.neigh, Type = "FTSEC", Value=NA)
info.plot.hgsoc = data.frame(Position = range.neigh, Type = "HGSOC", Value=NA)

index.pos = 1
for ( pos in range.neigh ) {
  if (pos < 0) {
    sub.range = seq(pos, 0, step)
  } else if (pos > 0) {
    sub.range = seq(0, pos, step)
  rows.m <- which(genes.range.all$pos %in% sub.range) <- unique(genes.range.all$Enh[rows.m])
  enh.index <- which(names %in% = unique(genes.range.all$symbol[rows.m])
  info.plot.nose$Value[index.pos] <- mean(dados.RNAseq.scaled[, OSECLines])
  info.plot.ftsec$Value[index.pos] <- mean(dados.RNAseq.scaled[, FTSECLines])
  info.plot.hgsoc$Value[index.pos] <- mean(dados.RNAseq.scaled[, HGSOCLines])
  index.pos = index.pos + 1


Plotting the final result = rbind(info.plot.nose, info.plot.ftsec, info.plot.hgsoc)

p_osec = ggplot(, aes(x=Position, y=Value, colour = Type)) +
  labs(title = paste0("OSEC-specific SEs"), y = "Expression z-score", x = "Genomic positions") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size=12)) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("#3333ffff", "#ff3333ff", "#33ff33ff" )) +


We demonstrated how to obtain the expression profile of genes associated to SE genomic regions. The same procedures can be now applied to FTSEC and HGSOC specific SE by changuing Part 2 and running again Part 3 and 4.