In the following workflow, we describe the main procedures to analyse the gene expression profile of associated genes to superenghancers (SE) genomic regions.
Obtaining only distinct peaks from a given Genomic Ranges
distinctGR <- function(objectGR) {
adj_hgsonc_union = objectGR
index = 1
final = length(adj_hgsonc_union)
distinct_table = NULL
while (index <= final) {
res =[index], adj_hgsonc_union))
n = dim(res)[1]
if (n > 1) {
adj_hgsonc_union = adj_hgsonc_union[-res$subjectHits[2:n]]
distinct_table = rbind(distinct_table,[res$subjectHits[1]]))
index = index + 1
final = length(adj_hgsonc_union)
Obtaining only distinct peaks by comparing two Genomic Ranges
distinctGRPairs <- function(query, subject) {
index = 1
final = length(query)
distinct_table = NULL
while (index <= final) {
res =[index], subject))
n = dim(res)[1]
if (n < 1) {
distinct_table = rbind(distinct_table,[index]))
index = index + 1
The data is organized in a data frame with 387 samples (190 normals and 197 TCGA) as columns and 20928 unique exprerssed genes as rows, named as combat_alln_mean
. Sample annotation is organized in another data frame NormalSamplesTable
. The TCGA Sample annotation is also added in Normals sample table annotation as follow.
176-p6 | 179-Lp6 | 181-Lp7 | 185-p5 | 189-Lp6 | 191-Lp5 | 192-Rp4 | 197-Lp6 | 1mR-p4 | 200-p6 | |
WASH7P | 4.466708 | 3.854710 | -1.635562 | -1.635562 | -1.635562 | -1.635562 | -1.635562 | -1.635562 | -1.635562 | -1.635562 |
OR4F5 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 | -5.317438 |
OR4F29 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 | -5.276078 |
OR4F16 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 | -5.308478 |
LINC00115 | -3.934121 | 3.119557 | 1.581284 | -3.934121 | -3.934121 | 4.701893 | 2.901779 | 2.330278 | 2.346626 | 1.414174 |
## Samples CellType Colors SP Batch
## 1 176_p6 NOSE #377EB8 NO B1
## 2 179_Lp6 NOSE #377EB8 NO B1
## 3 181_Lp7 NOSE #377EB8 NO B1
## 4 185_p5 NOSE #377EB8 NO B1
## 5 189_Lp6 NOSE #377EB8 NO B1
## 6 191_Lp5 NOSE #377EB8 NO B1
nTCGAsamples = 394
TCGAsamplesTable = data.frame(Samples = colnames(dados.RNAseq)[191:584], CellType = c(rep("HGSOC", nTCGAsamples)), Colors=c(rep("green", nTCGAsamples)), SP="None", Batch="None" )
SamplesTable = rbind(NormalSamplesTable, TCGAsamplesTable)
We selected the genomic annotation, regarding chromosome name, start, end coordinates for human hg19 build. After the annation is merged with our expressed genes.
dados.RNAseq <-
txdb_hg19 <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
genes <- genes(txdb_hg19)
symbols <- unlist(mapIds(, genes$gene_id, "SYMBOL", "ENTREZID", multiVals = "first"))
## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
genes <-
genes$symbol <- as.matrix(symbols)
genes <- genes[!(duplicated(genes$symbol)),]
dados.RNAseq <- merge(genes,dados.RNAseq, by.x="symbol",by.y="row.names")
Convert gene annotation into a Genomic Ranges object dados.RNAseq.GR
. The merged data.frame also is splited into annotation dados.RNAseq.DF
and expression information dados.RNAseq.f
. After, the expression values are scaled as follows.
dados.RNAseq.GR <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(dados.RNAseq[,1:7],TRUE)
dados.RNAseq.DF <- dados.RNAseq[,1:7]
dados.RNAseq.f <- dados.RNAseq[,c(8:591)]
dados.RNAseq.scaled <- t(scale(t(dados.RNAseq.f)))
rownames(dados.RNAseq.scaled) <- dados.RNAseq.DF$symbol
In this step we will processing the superenhancer bed files. First, the data is loaded and converted to Genomic Ranges Object. The experiments are combined in a single object. Then, using the aulixiliary function distinctGR
, we selected only those regions that are unique considering the entire combined set. The same procedures are applied to OSEC, FTSEC and HGSOC superenhancers.
########### OSEC #################
ose4 = read.table("se/IOSE4_ResultCount_C30H4ACXX_1_SHE1405A185.male.hg19.fa.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(ose4) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
ose4 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ose4)
ose11 = read.table("se/IOSE11_ResultCount_D1AHBACXX_8_SHE1405A43.male.hg19.fa.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(ose11) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
ose11 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ose11)
ose4.df <-
ose11.df <-
nose_total <- rbind(ose4.df, ose11.df)
nose_total <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(nose_total)
distinct_table = distinctGR(nose_total)
nose_union = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(distinct_table)
########### FTSEC #################
ft33 = read.table("se/FT33_ResultCount_C26CUACXX_2_SHE1405A78.male.hg19.fa.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(ft33) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
ft33 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ft33)
ft246 = read.table("se/FT246_ResultCount_C269LACXX_5_SHE1405A86.male.hg19.fa.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(ft246) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
ft246 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ft246)
ft33.df <-
ft246.df <-
nfte_total = rbind(ft33.df, ft246.df)
nfte_total = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(nfte_total)
distinct_table = distinctGR(nfte_total)
nfte_union = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(distinct_table)
########### HGSOC #################
hgs229 = read.table("se/HGSerous_229_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs229) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs229 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs229)
hgs429 = read.table("se/HGSerous_429_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs429) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs429 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs429)
hgs561 = read.table("se/HGSerous_561_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs561) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs561 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs561)
hgs550 = read.table("se/HG_Serous_550_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs550) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs550 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs550)
hgs270 = read.table("se/HGSerous_270_IP.nodup.superEnhancers.bed")
colnames(hgs270) = c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand")
hgs270 = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgs270)
hgs229.df <-
hgs429.df <-
hgs561.df <-
hgs550.df <-
hgs270.df <-
hgsoc_total <- rbind(hgs229.df, hgs429.df, hgs561.df, hgs550.df, hgs270.df)
hgsoc_total = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hgsoc_total)
distinct_table = distinctGR(hgsoc_total)
hgsoc_union = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(distinct_table)
In this step the SE are cross compared in order to obtain only distict ones per cell type. The auxiliary function distinctGRPairs
is used.
subj = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rbind(,
tempN = distinctGRPairs(nose_union, subj)
nose_distinct = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tempN)
subj = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rbind(,
tempF = distinctGRPairs(nfte_union, subj)
nfte_distinct = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tempF)
subj = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rbind(,
tempR = distinctGRPairs(hgsoc_union, subj)
hgsoc_distinct = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tempR)
Identify expression profile considering all samples into 3 groups: OSEC - 119 samples FTSEC - 71 samples HGSOC - 394 samples
We also defined a step size of 5000 bp and a window size of 1000000 bp.
OSECLines <- which(SamplesTable$CellType == "NOSE")
FTSECLines <- which(SamplesTable$CellType == "NFTE")
HGSOCLines <- which(SamplesTable$CellType == "HGSOC")
step = 5000
window = 1000000
range.neigh = seq(-window, window, step)
Obtaining the gene expression profile across the 3 cell types considering OSEC specific enhancers.
enhancer = nose_distinct
enh_name = "OSEC_enh_"
names <- paste0("OSEC_enh_", seq(1, length(enhancer)))
Now we can begin to find the genes and their correspondent expression in all 3 cell types with the following iteraction loop.
e.index = 1
genes.range.all = NULL
while (e.index <= length(enhancer)) {
#print(paste0("Enhancer ", e.index)) = enhancer[e.index]
mid.pos = round(start( + ((end( - start( / 2))
s.pos = mid.pos - window
e.pos = mid.pos + window
chr.pos = as.character(seqnames(
new.genes.range = seq(s.pos, e.pos, step)
new.enh.range.GR = GRanges(seqnames=chr.pos, ranges=IRanges(s.pos, e.pos))
res = findOverlaps(new.enh.range.GR, dados.RNAseq.GR, type = "any", select = "all", ignore.strand=TRUE)
if (length(res) > 0) {
genes.range = dados.RNAseq.DF[subjectHits(res),]
OSEC.mean = apply(dados.RNAseq.f[subjectHits(res),OSECLines],1,mean,na.rm=T)
FTSEC.mean = apply(dados.RNAseq.f[subjectHits(res),FTSECLines],1,mean,na.rm=T)
HGSOC.mean = apply(dados.RNAseq.f[subjectHits(res),HGSOCLines],1,mean,na.rm=T)
genes.range = cbind(Enh = paste0(enh_name, e.index), genes.range, Mean.OSEC=OSEC.mean, Mean.FTSEC=FTSEC.mean, Mean.HGSOC=HGSOC.mean)
for (gi in 1:nrow(genes.range)) {
gene = genes.range[gi,]
index = 1
for (value in new.genes.range) {
if (value > gene$start) {
index = index + 1
genes.range$pos[gi] = range.neigh[index]
} # end for
genes.range.all = rbind(genes.range.all, genes.range)
e.index = e.index + 1
Calculate the z-score for each cell type gene list.
info.plot.nose = data.frame(Position = range.neigh, Type = "OSEC", Value=NA)
info.plot.ftsec = data.frame(Position = range.neigh, Type = "FTSEC", Value=NA)
info.plot.hgsoc = data.frame(Position = range.neigh, Type = "HGSOC", Value=NA)
index.pos = 1
for ( pos in range.neigh ) {
if (pos < 0) {
sub.range = seq(pos, 0, step)
} else if (pos > 0) {
sub.range = seq(0, pos, step)
rows.m <- which(genes.range.all$pos %in% sub.range) <- unique(genes.range.all$Enh[rows.m])
enh.index <- which(names %in% = unique(genes.range.all$symbol[rows.m])
info.plot.nose$Value[index.pos] <- mean(dados.RNAseq.scaled[, OSECLines])
info.plot.ftsec$Value[index.pos] <- mean(dados.RNAseq.scaled[, FTSECLines])
info.plot.hgsoc$Value[index.pos] <- mean(dados.RNAseq.scaled[, HGSOCLines])
index.pos = index.pos + 1
Plotting the final result = rbind(info.plot.nose, info.plot.ftsec, info.plot.hgsoc)
p_osec = ggplot(, aes(x=Position, y=Value, colour = Type)) +
labs(title = paste0("OSEC-specific SEs"), y = "Expression z-score", x = "Genomic positions") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size=12)) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("#3333ffff", "#ff3333ff", "#33ff33ff" )) +
We demonstrated how to obtain the expression profile of genes associated to SE genomic regions. The same procedures can be now applied to FTSEC and HGSOC specific SE by changuing Part 2 and running again Part 3 and 4.