Load Seurat object containing Endometrial-type epithelial cells

sc = readRDS("rds/EnEpi_cells.rds")

prop.cells = data.frame(table(sc@meta.data$active.cluster))
prop.cells <- prop.cells[order(prop.cells$Freq),]
prop.cells$Var1 <- factor(prop.cells$Var1, levels = prop.cells$Var1)

ggplot(prop.cells, aes(Var1, Freq)) +
  geom_col() +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 15) +
  geom_text(aes(label=Freq), position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.25) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
  labs(title="Number of cells in each cell type", x ="Cell type", y = "Number of Cells")

prop.cells = data.frame(table(sc@meta.data$Major.Class))
prop.cells <- prop.cells[order(prop.cells$Freq),]
prop.cells$Var1 <- factor(prop.cells$Var1, levels = prop.cells$Var1)

ggplot(prop.cells, aes(Var1, Freq)) +
  geom_col() +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 15) +
  geom_text(aes(label=Freq), position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.25) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
  labs(title="", x ="Major class", y = "Number of Cells")

sc.sel = subset(sc, subset = Major.Class %in% c("Endometrioma", "Eutopic Endometrium", "Endometriosis"))

single.cell.expression.set <- SeuratToExpressionSet(sc.sel, delimiter='-', position=2, version="v3")
phenoData(single.cell.expression.set) <- AnnotatedDataFrame(sc.sel@meta.data)

prop.cells = data.frame(table(sc.sel@meta.data$active.cluster))
prop.cells <- prop.cells[order(prop.cells$Freq),]
prop.cells$Var1 <- factor(prop.cells$Var1, levels = prop.cells$Var1)

ggplot(prop.cells, aes(Var1, Freq)) +
  geom_col() +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 15) +
  geom_text(aes(label=Freq), position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.25) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
  labs(title="Number of cells in each cell type", x ="Cell type", y = "Number of Cells")

prop.cells = data.frame(table(sc.sel@meta.data$Major.Class))
prop.cells <- prop.cells[order(prop.cells$Freq),]
prop.cells$Var1 <- factor(prop.cells$Var1, levels = prop.cells$Var1)

ggplot(prop.cells, aes(Var1, Freq)) +
  geom_col() +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 15) +
  geom_text(aes(label=Freq), position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.25) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
  labs(title="", x ="Major class", y = "Number of Cells")

Figure 7-a Load GSE129617 expression data

ensembl <- useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
bm <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id', 'external_gene_name', 'gene_biotype', 'ensembl_transcript_id'), mart = ensembl)

title = "25 CCOC"

df <- data.frame(histotype = c(rep('CCOC', 25)))
rownames(df) <- colnames(GSE129617.expr)
# Heapmap 0: plot top variable genes
matrix <- GSE129617.expr
matrix <- matrix[!duplicated(rownames(matrix)) & rownames(matrix) %in% 
                   bm$external_gene_name[!is.na(bm$gene_biotype) & 
                                           bm$gene_biotype == 'protein_coding'],]
sd <- apply(X = matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
rank <- (length(sd) - rank(sd) + 1)
select <- rank <= 500

pheatmap(matrix[select,], cluster_rows=T, show_rownames=F, cluster_cols=T, annotation_col = df, 
         main = paste0('GSE129617 - 25 CCOC Top ',sum(select),' protein coding genes (n=', nrow(matrix), ")"))

matrix.eset = ExpressionSet(assayData=matrix, phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",data=df))

Estimate cell type proportions

Est.prop = music_prop(bulk.eset = matrix.eset,
                      sc.eset = single.cell.expression.set, 
                      clusters = 'active.cluster',
                      samples = 'SampleName',
                      verbose = F)
bp.esti.pro = read.delim("files/estimation.25-CCOC.decon.cvs", sep = ",")
df <- data.frame(histotype = c(rep('CCOC', 25)))
rownames(df) <- rownames(bp.esti.pro)

bp.esti.pro = merge(bp.esti.pro, df, by=0)
bp.esti.pro = bp.esti.pro[match(rownames(df), bp.esti.pro$Row.names), ]
collorder = c("#8dd3c7", "#ffffb3", "#bebada", "#fb8072", "#80b1d3", "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9")

ht_list = rowAnnotation(text = anno_text(bp.esti.pro$Row.names, location = unit(1, "npc"), just = "right", 
                                         gp = gpar(fontsize = 12)))

anno_width = unit(3, "cm")
.cols = c(2: (ncol(bp.esti.pro)-1))

ht_list = ht_list + rowAnnotation("dist_tss" = anno_barplot(bp.esti.pro[, .cols], bar_width = 1, gp = gpar(fill = collorder, fontsize = 14), 
                                          width = anno_width), show_annotation_name = FALSE) +
rowAnnotation(Histotype = anno_simple(bp.esti.pro$histotype), gp = gpar(fontsize = 20))

draw(ht_list, heatmap_legend_list = Legend(title = "Epithelial clusters", labels = colnames(bp.esti.pro[, .cols]), legend_gp = gpar(fill = collorder)))

Figure 7-b GSE73614 - OvTuCC = 24 OvTuEndo = 35

title = "GSE73614 - OvTuCC = 24 OvTuEndo = 35"

five.word <- function(my.string){
  elems = unlist(strsplit(as.character(my.string), " "))

GSE73614.anno.clinical <- read.delim("/media/Data01/public_data/CCOC/GSE73614/Sample_type.csv", sep = ",")

GSE73614.anno.clinical$histotype <- sapply(GSE73614.anno.clinical$histotype, five.word)
GSE73614.anno.clinical$histotype = gsub("Mayo", "", GSE73614.anno.clinical$histotype)

GSE73614 <- getGEO('GSE73614',GSEMatrix=TRUE)
GSE73614.expr <- exprs(GSE73614$GSE73614_series_matrix.txt.gz)

GSE73614.expr = read.table("/media/Data01/public_data/CCOC/GSE73614/GSE73614_RAW.tar")

annot.BM <-  getBM(mart=ensembl,

common = match(rownames(GSE73614.expr), annot.BM$agilent_wholegenome_4x44k_v2)
rownames(GSE73614.expr)[!is.na(common)] = annot.BM$external_gene_name[na.omit(common)]

df <- GSE73614.anno.clinical
rownames(df) <- df$SampleName
df = df[,-1, drop=F]

matrix <- GSE73614.expr

matrix = matrix[complete.cases(matrix),]
delta1 = max(matrix, na.rm = T) - min(matrix, na.rm = T)
delta2 = max(matrix, na.rm = T) - 0

matrix = (matrix - min(matrix, na.rm = T)) * delta1 / delta2
matrix[1:5, 1:4]

matrix <- matrix[!duplicated(rownames(matrix)) & rownames(matrix) %in% 
                   bm$external_gene_name[!is.na(bm$gene_biotype) & 
                                           bm$gene_biotype == 'protein_coding'],]
sd <- apply(X = matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
rank <- (length(sd) - rank(sd) + 1)
select <- rank <= 50

df = df[df$histotype %in% c("OvTuEndo", "OvTuCC"), , drop=F]
df = df[order(df$histotype), , drop=F]
matrix = matrix[, match(rownames(df), colnames(matrix))]

matrix = matrix[-which(rownames(matrix)==""),]
matrix.eset = ExpressionSet(assayData=matrix, phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",data=df))

Estimate cell type proportions

Est.prop = music_prop(bulk.eset = matrix.eset,
                      sc.eset = single.cell.expression.set, 
                      clusters = 'active.cluster',
                      samples = 'SampleName',
                      verbose = F)
five.word <- function(my.string){
  elems = unlist(strsplit(as.character(my.string), " "))

bp.esti.pro = read.delim("files/estimation.GSE73614 - OvTuCC = 24 OvTuEndo = 35.cvs", sep = ",")

GSE73614.anno.clinical <- read.delim("files/Sample_type.csv", sep = ",")
GSE73614.anno.clinical$histotype <- sapply(GSE73614.anno.clinical$histotype, five.word)
GSE73614.anno.clinical$histotype = gsub("Mayo", "", GSE73614.anno.clinical$histotype)
df <- GSE73614.anno.clinical
rownames(df) <- df$SampleName
df = df[,-1, drop=F]
df = df[df$histotype %in% c("OvTuEndo", "OvTuCC"), , drop=F]
rownames(df) <- rownames(bp.esti.pro)

bp.esti.pro = merge(bp.esti.pro, df, by=0)
bp.esti.pro = bp.esti.pro[match(rownames(df), bp.esti.pro$Row.names), ]
collorder = c("#8dd3c7", "#ffffb3", "#bebada", "#fb8072", "#80b1d3", "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9")

ht_list = rowAnnotation(text = anno_text(bp.esti.pro$Row.names, location = unit(1, "npc"), just = "right", 
                                         gp = gpar(fontsize = 12)))

anno_width = unit(3, "cm")
.cols = c(2: (ncol(bp.esti.pro)-1))

ht_list = ht_list + rowAnnotation("dist_tss" = anno_barplot(bp.esti.pro[, .cols], bar_width = 1, gp = gpar(fill = collorder, fontsize = 14), 
                                          width = anno_width), show_annotation_name = FALSE) +
rowAnnotation(Histotype = anno_simple(bp.esti.pro$histotype), gp = gpar(fontsize = 20))

draw(ht_list, heatmap_legend_list = Legend(title = "Epithelial clusters", labels = colnames(bp.esti.pro[, .cols]), legend_gp = gpar(fill = collorder)))

Figure 7-c GSE9899 - 20 Endometrioid

GSE9899.anno.clinical <- read.delim("/media/Data01/public_data/CCOC/GSE9899/GSE9899_clinical_anns.csv", sep = ",")
GSE9899.anno.clinical = merge(GSE9899.anno.clinical, read.delim("/media/Data01/public_data/CCOC/GSE9899/AOCSID_GSM_IDs_clinical_anns.csv", sep = ","), by="AOCSID")

title = "GSE9899 - 20 Endometrioid"

GSE9899 <- getGEO('GSE9899',GSEMatrix=TRUE)
GSE9899.expr <- exprs(GSE9899$GSE9899_series_matrix.txt.gz)

annot.BM <-  getBM(mart=ensembl,
                   attributes=c("affy_hg_u133_plus_2", "ensembl_gene_id", "gene_biotype", "external_gene_name"),

common = match(rownames(GSE9899.expr), annot.BM$affy_hg_u133_plus_2)
rownames(GSE9899.expr)[!is.na(common)] = annot.BM$external_gene_name[na.omit(common)]

df <- GSE9899.anno.clinical
rownames(df) <- df$GSMID

df <- df[order(df$Primary.Site),]

matrix <- GSE9899.expr[, df$GSMID]
matrix <- matrix[complete.cases(matrix),]
matrix <- matrix[!duplicated(rownames(matrix)) & rownames(matrix) %in%
                   bm$external_gene_name[!is.na(bm$gene_biotype) &
                                           bm$gene_biotype == 'protein_coding'],]
sd <- apply(X = matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
rank <- (length(sd) - rank(sd) + 1)
select <- rank <= 50
df = df[,-c(1, 7)]

df = df[df$Subtype == "Endo", , drop=F]
matrix = matrix[, which(colnames(matrix) %in% rownames(df))]

df = df[,3, drop=F]
colnames(df) <- "histotype"

matrix = matrix[-which(rownames(matrix)==""),]
matrix.eset = ExpressionSet(assayData=matrix, phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",data=df))

Estimate cell type proportions

Est.prop = music_prop(bulk.eset = matrix.eset,
                      sc.eset = single.cell.expression.set, 
                      clusters = 'active.cluster',
                      samples = 'SampleName',
                      verbose = F)
bp.esti.pro = read.delim("files/estimation.GSE9899 - 20 Endometrioid.cvs", sep = ",")
df <- data.frame(histotype = c(rep('EnOC', 20)))
rownames(df) <- rownames(bp.esti.pro)

bp.esti.pro = merge(bp.esti.pro, df, by=0)
bp.esti.pro = bp.esti.pro[match(rownames(df), bp.esti.pro$Row.names), ]
collorder = c("#8dd3c7", "#ffffb3", "#bebada", "#fb8072", "#80b1d3", "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9")

ht_list = rowAnnotation(text = anno_text(bp.esti.pro$Row.names, location = unit(1, "npc"), just = "right", 
                                         gp = gpar(fontsize = 12)))

anno_width = unit(3, "cm")
.cols = c(2: (ncol(bp.esti.pro)-1))

ht_list = ht_list + rowAnnotation("dist_tss" = anno_barplot(bp.esti.pro[, .cols], bar_width = 1, gp = gpar(fill = collorder, fontsize = 14), 
                                          width = anno_width), show_annotation_name = FALSE) +
rowAnnotation(Histotype = anno_simple(bp.esti.pro$histotype), gp = gpar(fontsize = 20))

draw(ht_list, heatmap_legend_list = Legend(title = "Epithelial clusters", labels = colnames(bp.esti.pro[, .cols]), legend_gp = gpar(fill = collorder)))

Figure 7-d 269 TCGA High-grade serous ovarian carcinoma

title = "269 TCGA HGSOC"

ucec.ID = subset(pd.mRNA.prim, cancer.type == "OV")

UCEC.RNA <- TCGA.RNA[,c(1, which(colnames(TCGA.RNA) %in% ucec.ID$TCGAlong.id))]
df <- data.frame(histotype = c(rep('HGSOC', 269)))
colnames(UCEC.RNA) <- gsub("^(.*?-.*?-.*?)-.*", "\\1", colnames(UCEC.RNA))
rownames(df) <- colnames(UCEC.RNA)[-1]

# Heapmap 0: plot top variable genes
matrix <- UCEC.RNA
matrix <- matrix[!duplicated(TCGA.RNA$gene_symbol) & TCGA.RNA$gene_symbol %in%
                   bm$external_gene_name[!is.na(bm$gene_biotype) &
                                           bm$gene_biotype == 'protein_coding'],]
matrix[1:4, 1:4]
rownames(matrix) <- matrix$gene_symbol
matrix = matrix[, -1]
matrix = matrix[complete.cases(matrix),]

sd <- apply(X = matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
rank <- (length(sd) - rank(sd) + 1)
select <- rank <= 500

delta1 = max(matrix, na.rm = T) - min(matrix, na.rm = T)
delta2 = max(matrix, na.rm = T) - 0
matrix = (matrix - min(matrix, na.rm = T)) * delta1 / delta2

pheatmap(log2(matrix[select,] + 1), cluster_rows=T, show_rownames=F, show_colnames = F, cluster_cols=T, annotation_col = df,
         main = paste0(title, ' Top ',sum(select),' protein coding genes (n=', nrow(matrix), ")"))

matrix.eset = new("ExpressionSet", exprs=as.matrix(matrix), phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",data=df))

Estimate cell type proportions

Est.prop = music_prop(bulk.eset = matrix.eset,
                      sc.eset = single.cell.expression.set, 
                      clusters = 'active.cluster',
                      samples = 'SampleName',
                      verbose = F)
bp.esti.pro = read.delim("files/estimation.HGSOC.decon.cvs", sep = ",")
df <- data.frame(histotype = c(rep('HGSOC', 269)))
rownames(df) <- rownames(bp.esti.pro)

bp.esti.pro = merge(bp.esti.pro, df, by=0)
bp.esti.pro = bp.esti.pro[match(rownames(df), bp.esti.pro$Row.names), ]
collorder = c("#8dd3c7", "#ffffb3", "#bebada", "#fb8072", "#80b1d3", "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9")

ht_list = rowAnnotation(text = anno_text(bp.esti.pro$Row.names, location = unit(1, "npc"), just = "right", 
                                         gp = gpar(fontsize = 12)))

anno_width = unit(3, "cm")
.cols = c(2: (ncol(bp.esti.pro)-1))

ht_list = ht_list + rowAnnotation("dist_tss" = anno_barplot(bp.esti.pro[, .cols], bar_width = 1, gp = gpar(fill = collorder, fontsize = 14), 
                                          width = anno_width), show_annotation_name = FALSE) +
rowAnnotation(Histotype = anno_simple(bp.esti.pro$histotype), gp = gpar(fontsize = 20))

draw(ht_list, heatmap_legend_list = Legend(title = "Epithelial clusters", labels = colnames(bp.esti.pro[, .cols]), legend_gp = gpar(fill = collorder)))